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25 05, 2018

Cello Demonstration

By |2019-04-30T13:38:05+01:00May 25th, 2018|Music|

Dear Parents/Guardians

CELLO DEMO for Children moving into Senior Infants or 1st Class next year and wish to try out a cello.

1:50 – 2.50PM

Mrs Morrissey shall be holding a senior infants/1st Class cello trial and demo session on Tuesday 29th May at 1:50pm in her classroom.

Any child currently in Junior Infants, moving into Senior Infants, or Senior Infants into 1st Class that might like to try out the cello and commence playing in a cello group lesson next year is more than welcome to attend.
There are limited spaces available per year so if your child is interested it would be good to try the instrument ahead of the music programme registration evening.

Registration evening for 2018-2019 shall be 31st May 2018 between 7pm – 9:30pm in St. Canice’s Hall (Hall behind the school). More information to be circulated on this & group classes schedules in the coming days so keep an eye on your emails.

The Music Committee

25 05, 2018

DVD’s Maytime Melodies

By |2019-04-30T13:38:05+01:00May 25th, 2018|Concerts|

Dear Parents/Guardians

Maytime Melodies DVD Recordings available for purchase 🎶🎙🎶

You can order copies of the Maytime Melodies concert nights on DVD for €10. Orders will be taken up to Friday 8th June only so if you would like one please get your order in as soon as possible so no one is left disappointed!

Order & payment for the DVD should be left in an envelope in the green box outside Kay’s office.

Please state clearly on an envelope your name (parent), your child’s name, specify DVD order & mobile number if possible, this will greatly help us when ordering & also when delivering out to students/parents.

Many Thanks
The Music Committee

25 05, 2018

RIAM Theory Examinations

By |2019-04-30T13:38:05+01:00May 25th, 2018|Music|

The RIAM Theory Exams shall be held in the School from 2pm – 4pm aprox Saturday 26th May 2018. Parents are advised to bring children at 1:45pm & ensure they bring well sharpened pencils, a rubber and a pencil sharpener.

Preparatory 1 hour duration
Grade 1 1.5 hours duration
Grade 2 1.5 hours duration
Grade 3 2 hours duration

While the exam times are outlined above the children are generally finished the exam long before the allotted time, therefore we would ask you to please be at the school early to collect your child.

Details of the names and the classroom where your child will sit the exam will be put on the window of Mr Crowley’s classroom on the day of the exam. Please ensure your child has well sharpened pencils, a rubber and a pencil sharpener. If you have any queries please call / text Shirley on 0851252233.

Good Luck to everyone.

1 05, 2018

Registration Night for Music Programme 2018-2019

By |2019-04-30T13:38:05+01:00May 1st, 2018|Music|

Dear Parents / Guardians

We shall be soon approaching next years Music Registration Night – Thursday 31st May 7:30pm.

As last years registration process worked very well last year, we shall be running it the same this year. Feedback from parents was that signing children up in May for their classes the following September assisted greatly by enabling them to plan their children’s extra curricular actives for the following academic year well in advance. It was also noted that it gave parents the opportunity to meet the music teachers fact to face.

We are conscious however that some parents did find that when they looked at the schedule that some offerings were only on specific days, but not branched out and therefore left them no room for movement within their own personal schedules. We have taken note of some of these and are working with the music teachers to rectify for next year, but if there is anything specific that you think should be looked at this year could you please send in that feedback via email and we shall try our best to address it prior to circulation of the 2018-2019 schedule. Obviously we have to consider all offerings as a group offering rather than individual but we are open to any suggestions of making it easier for all to attend all required classes.

Thanks in advance

1 05, 2018

Friends of Maytime Melodies Your Support is Needed!

By |2019-04-30T13:38:06+01:00May 1st, 2018|Concerts, Music|

Dear Parents/Guardians

We in St Canice’s N.S. are all justifiably very proud of our musicians and our music programme. We are proud of the many achievements of the children over the years and we know how much fun they have in playing music together.

However running a music programme of this size and nature costs a lot of money and requires funding on an ongoing basis! The registration fees and instrument hire fees are not enough to fund the programme.

The bi-annual Maytime Melodies concert is our main fundraiser and we rely heavily upon all monies raised by the concert to buy the many things required for the programme. For example, this year alone we have spent in excess of €2,000 on new music stands, replacing many of the older stands which were in a bad state of repair; we paid for a total overhaul of all instruments over the summer months, repairing and replacing them to ensure they were up to hire standards in September, we purchased new cellos as this area was growing, one cello costs about €450 and in the past couple of years we have had to replace a number of cellos, this year another focus of ours was to invest in new 1/8 size violins for Junior Infant students as many of the older ones were no longer fixable.

Traditionally, people involved in businesses locally have been given the opportunity to support the programme by advertising in the Maytime Melodies Programme.

Following a suggestion by some parents, it was decided to extend this facility to all parents/guardians of children involved in the programme who may wish to be associated with and support the programme by becoming “Friends of Maytime Melodies”.

The names of all “Friends” will be published in our Concert programme. If you would like to become a Maytime Melodies Friend, please submit a cheque for €20 made payable to St Canice’s Instrumental Music Programme by Friday 4th May 2018. Please ensure you put the cheque in a sealed envelope with your name and the name of your child on the outside. Cheques can be left in the music post box in front lobby in the school, situated on the wall beside Kay’s office.

All funds received will go directly towards our wonderful music programme and ensure that our children will continue to enjoy the benefits of the programme for many years to come!

Many thanks,
The Music Committee

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