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16 02, 2016

Maytime Melodies Tickets

By |2019-04-30T13:38:07+01:00February 16th, 2016|Concerts|

Dear Parents,

The running order of the Maytime Melodies concerts is shown below. The length of the concert has been reduced this year and will start at 7.30pm and finish around 9.00pm. All children involved in the music programme will perform in either one of the smaller groups or as part of the larger orchestra/jazz band/brass ensembles. We hope that the shorter concert time will enable parents and children to stay for the duration of the concert. This will provide the younger children in particular with an opportunity to see how they can progress up through the music programme.

Tickets for the concerts will go on sale from Monday 22nd February and may only be purchased from the Watergate Theatre. Tickets cannot be purchased from the school or from music committee members, and all queries, ticket returns etc should be directed to the Watergate Theatre. Tickets for the concerts tend to sell very quickly so you are advised to purchase your tickets early. Tickets are priced at €12 for adults and €7 for children. If you are in doubt which night your child is performing, please ask your child’s music teacher who will advise you.

This is our major fundraiser for the music programme and we appreciate the support that parents and families continue to show us. Further information on the concerts will issue nearer the concert dates.

Many Thanks
The Music Committee

Tuesday 24th May Wednesday 25th May
1. Junior Infant Violin 1. Senior Infant Violin
2. Junior Infant Pre-Twinkle 2. Senior Infant Pre-Twinkle
3. 1st Class String Ensemble (All 1st class Violins, Violas, Cellos & Double Basses) 3. Senior Infant Cellos
4. Junior Percussion Group (1st – 3rd class) 4. Recorder Ensemble (Year 1 & Year 2)
5. Beginner Jazz Band (St. Canice’s Cubs/Beginner Flutes) 5. Brass Ensemble (Pocket Trumpets, French Horns, Trombones, Trumpets & Senior Percussion)
6. Junior Jazz Band 6. Groovy Guitars
7. Junior Orchestra 7. Senior Jazz Band
8. Senior Orchestra
1 02, 2016

Advertising for Maytime Melodies

By |2019-04-30T13:38:07+01:00February 1st, 2016|Concerts, Music|

Dear Parents,

Every two years St Canice’s N.S Instrumental Music Programme presents the “Maytime Melodies” concerts at the Watergate Theatre. This year’s concerts will be held on Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th May. The concerts feature the 440 young musicians who participate in the music programme throughout the year. The children are aged between 4 and 12 years of age and play a variety of string, brass, wind, and percussion instruments. The success of the music programme is dependent on both assistance from the teachers and the many parents who volunteer their time as well as fundraising for the purchase and upkeep of the instrument bank.

Maytime Melodies is the major fundraiser for the music programme and every second year we ask our local businesses to support the programme by either advertising in the concert programme or donating/sponsoring a raffle prize. If you have a local business and would like to advertise in the Maytime Melodies programme, please contact Ciara Bracken 086 8176763 or Jane Harte 086 3895792 who will be happy to assist you. The rates for placing an advert are as follows:

€90 full page

€50 half page

€30 quarter page

A music programme of this size and nature requires significant ongoing funding. Your support of this unique, locally based programme is very much appreciated.


St Canice’s N.S. Instrumental Music Programme

21 01, 2016

Maytime Melodies 2016

By |2019-04-30T13:38:08+01:00January 21st, 2016|Concerts|

Our biennial Maytime Melodies concerts will take place in the Watergate Theatre on Tuesday 24th & Wednesday 25th May 2016. The concerts will feature all 440 children who are currently involved in the music programme. We will inform you when the tickets are available to purchase from the Watergate along with the format of the concerts so that you will know which night your child is performing.

21 01, 2016

Feis Ceoil 2016

By |2019-04-30T13:38:08+01:00January 21st, 2016|Competitions|

The Junior and Senior Orchestras will be participating in the annual Feis Ceoil Competition on Monday 14th March 2016 @ 2pm in the RDS, Dublin. The trip to Feis Ceoil has always included a highly anticipated trip to Liffey Valley Shopping Centre in the morning before heading to the RDS. Traditionally a large number of parents travel with us on the day to assist with supervision as well as to enjoy the performances. If you are available to travel please keep this date free in your diary! Please note all accompanying parents will be requested to supervise a small group of children in the shopping centre. We will send out an information note with further details nearer to the time and will collect names of those interested in travelling with us then.

21 01, 2016

Music Network Grant

By |2019-04-30T13:38:08+01:00January 21st, 2016|Music|

Dear Parents,

We are delighted to inform you that the music programme has been successful in a recent grant application to Music Network/Arts Council supported by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and has been awarded a grant of €9,335.

There were nearly one hundred applicants for an available fund of €120,350 so we are very fortunate to have been awarded such a substantial amount. One of the criteria for the awarding of the grant was that the music programme must provide an additional 25% of the funding ourselves. The proceeds from our hugely successful Christmas Breakfast morning have been earmarked for this purpose and we would like to extend our thanks to everyone for their continued efforts in making this morning such a success.

The grant money will be used to maintain our stringed instruments by purchasing strings and bows along with purchasing additional flutes, double basses, orchestral cymbals and a samba percussion set. This will ensure that we can continue to develop our orchestras and jazz bands for the future along with continuing to make the programme “Music For All”.

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