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7 12, 2016

Christmas Breakfast Morning

By |2019-04-30T13:38:07+01:00December 7th, 2016|Music|

Dear Parents,

Our highly anticipated breakfast morning will take place this year on Friday 16th December. This event is an extremely important fundraiser for the music programme and in the past proceeds have enabled the funding of purchasing of new instruments and equipment for our children.

To guarantee the event is a success this year we urgently require volunteers to bake buns and cookies or to help on the morning, serving children and cleaning up.

Please use this opportunity to support your child’s facilities and resources and text your name and job preference to 087 9010764

With Many Thanks
The Music Committee

15 10, 2016

Music Programme AGM

By |2019-04-30T13:38:07+01:00October 15th, 2016|Music|

The AGM of the Instrumental Music Programme will take place on Tuesday 25th October 2016 at 8pm in the big room – entrance via the side door.

We would love to see some new committee members, so if you are interested in joining please attend!

Many Thanks

Music Committee

6 09, 2016

Music Timetables and Commencement of Lessons and Orchestra/Jazz Band

By |2019-04-30T13:38:07+01:00September 6th, 2016|Music|

The 2016/17 music programme timetable is now available to view here

Music lessons resume in the school from Monday 12th September, for all with the exception of Junior Infants who will start their music lessons on week beginning Monday 19th September when their full school days begin. Please note that Senior Orchestra starts back Monday 19th September from 2.45pm-4.00pm, with Junior Orchestra resuming on Wednesday 21st September (2.45-4pm).

Please note that the music programme uses email to correspond with parents.  We ask parents to regularly check our upcoming events and news sections of the website. These areas will contain all the most up to date information regarding events and other developments within the programme. It will also have downloadable permission forms (where appropriate) and vital details of upcoming events etc.

The organisation of the music programme’s huge array of lessons for all the varied instruments and multiple groups within years is a huge task. We try our very best for all families involved to make lesson days and times as suitable as possible. This year’s timetable has been particularly difficult to organise due to the increasing number of children participating and the number of instrument choices available.  It has taken 2 months of intensive work to compile.  We regret therefore, that if your child’s music class clashes with any other extra-curricular activity, that it may be very difficult to accommodate any timetable changes.

If you have any urgent queries regarding the timetable, please contact the Music Programme Administrator by email only @ and your query will be dealt with as soon as possible.

27 05, 2016

6th Class Farewell Concert

By |2019-04-30T13:38:07+01:00May 27th, 2016|Concerts|

6th Class Farewell Concert – Thursday 9th June

Dear Parents,

The 6th Class Farewell Concert for children involved in the Instrumental Music Programme will take place on Thursday 9th June in the Big Room (Mr Crowley’s room) at 7.30pm.  This is always a lovely occasion as the children perform one final time as students of St Canice’s N.S.

Light refreshments and finger food will be served after the concert in the school foyer.  If your child is in Mr Hanricks class, you are asked to please bring in a plate of savoury finger food, and a plate of sweet finger food if your child is in either Mr Hoynes or Ms Conroys class.

Your child should be in full uniform for the concert.   If your child is currently hiring an instrument from the music programme, this instrument must be returned to the school that night and may be handed in to any music committee member.

We look forward to seeing you there and we hope that you enjoy the concert!

The Music Committee

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