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8 04, 2014

St Canices Senior Orchestra celebrate 22nd Feis Ceoil Win!

By |2019-04-30T13:38:13+01:00April 8th, 2014|Competitions, Music|

Peter Killian Cup Returns To Kilkenny!

Many congrats to our Senior Orchestra who were victorious in the Primary Schools Orchestra competition in Feis Ceoil yesterday, bringing the Peter Killian cup home to Kilkenny for the 22nd time!  Well done also to the Junior Orchestra who were narrowly beaten.  It was a very enjoyable day for all teachers, parents and children who travelled to Dublin and very well done to all concerned!   Well done also to all past pupils of St Canices in the Loreto Orchestra who won the Post Primary Schools Orchestra competition  – a great day for music in Kilkenny!

18 03, 2014

Feis Ceoil Information and Permission Slip

By |2019-04-30T13:38:13+01:00March 18th, 2014|Competitions, Music|

The Junior and Senior Orchestras will be travelling to the RDS to compete in the Feis Ceoil on Monday 7th April at 2pm. Please  download the parental permission slip and further information by clicking on this link. Feis Ceoil Information and Permission Slip

Permission slips must be completed and returned by Friday 28th March at the latest.

1 03, 2014

Maytime Melodies Running Order and Tickets

By |2019-04-30T13:38:13+01:00March 1st, 2014|Concerts, Music|

Tickets are available for Maytime Melodies from 3rd March at the Watergate Theatre. Tickets cannot be purchased from the school or from music committee members, and all queries, ticket returns etc should be directed to the Watergate Theatre.  Tickets for the concerts tend to sell very quickly so you are advised to purchase your tickets early.  Tickets are priced at €10 for adults and €5 for children.

This is our major fundraiser for the music programme and we appreciate the support that parents and families continue to show us.

Please see the running order for both nights below. Further information on the concerts will issue nearer the concert dates.

Tuesday 20th May

  1. Junior Infants Violins (Baby Bows)
  2. 1st Class Cellos (Cellorific)
  3. Year 1 Recorder (Petit Puffs)
  4. 1st & 2nd Class Viola Group (Vital Violas)
  5. Junior Infants Pre Twinkle 1
  6. 1st Class violins (Minims and Semibreves)
  7. 1st Class Percussion (The Allsorts)
  8. 2nd Class Percussion (GI Joes)
  9. Double Bass Ensemble (Touch Bass)
  10. Beginner Jazz Band (Canice’s Cubs/Beginner Wind)
  11. Year 2 Recorder (Recorder Rhapsody)
  12. 2nd Class Pocket Trumpets
  13. Junior Jazz Band
  14. Junior Orchestra

Wednesday 21st May

  1. Senior Infants Violins (Crotchets and Quavers)
  2. Senior Infants Cellos (Cello Cherubs)
  3. Recorder Ensemble (Junior & Senior Orchestra)
  4. 3rd Class Percussion (Glow Ninjas)
  5. Senior Infants Pre Twinkle 2
  6. Beginner Flutes (Tutti Flutti)
  7. St Canice’s Concert Brass Ensemble (French horns, trombones, trumpets)
  8. Senior French Horn Trio
  9. Groovy Guitars
  10. Senior Jazz Band
  11. Senior Orchestra
21 02, 2014

Kilkenny Music Festival – Amended Lesson Timetable

By |2019-04-30T13:38:13+01:00February 21st, 2014|Music|

There will be no GROUP music lessons on the week of the Kilkenny Music Festival- March 3rd to March 9th. The Festival has been extended by a day to include Tuesday, March 4th. Please check with your child’s music teacher regarding individual lessons as some teachers will want to see individual students for final rehearsals before the competitions. The timetable which involves St Canice’s students is posted here

Good luck to all our young singers and instrumentalists!

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