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26 05, 2014

Maytime Melodies DVD and Photos Reminder!

By |2019-04-30T13:38:12+01:00May 26th, 2014|Music|

A reminder that you can now order copies of the Maytime Melodies DVD for €15.  Copies will be available at the end of the week, so please ensure you get your requests in early!   Also, if you wish to buy copies of any of the photos in the Maytime Melodies programme (with the exception of the Senior and Junior Orchestras) you can do so now.  Photos are €3 each and are  5″ x 7 ” in size.  Photo orders will be taken up to Friday 13 June only!

Orders for the DVD and photos may be left in an envelope together with your details and payment in the post box in Mrs O Leary’s room.

Many Thanks

Music Committee

26 05, 2014


By |2019-04-30T13:38:12+01:00May 26th, 2014|Concerts, Music|

A huge “Thank You” to the many volunteers who helped out in any way at the Maytime Melodies Concerts!  Both nights were a great success mainly as a result of the enormous effort put in by the army of volunteers who helped out backstage, on stage and at front of house!  Your assistance was very much appreciated.

Music Committee

16 05, 2014

Schedule for Maytime Melodies Rehearsals and Concerts

By |2019-04-30T13:38:12+01:00May 16th, 2014|Concerts, Music|

Maytime Melodies Concerts Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st May

Important- Both Concerts are sold out, if you have spare tickets please return them to the Watergate Theatre as a number of people are looking for tickets!

What to Wear

All children should wear their school uniform minus their jumper or cardigan (because of the heat backstage) with white knee length socks for girls and black shoes.  No runners please! Also, if your child has a coat we would ask you to hold on to it in the auditorium. The Senior and Junior Orchestras and Senior Jazz Band children should wear their uniform along with the music sweatshirt (again white knee length socks for girls). The music sweatshirts will be distributed at school on Monday and will be taken back from the children at the Watergate Theatre after their performances on stage.  School tracksuit or summer uniform can be worn to school next week in order to keep uniforms clean for the concerts!  No food or drinks permitted backstage, however, water will be provided for the children.

Concert Rehearsal

A concert rehearsal will take place for some of the performing acts on Tuesday 20th May in the Watergate. This rehearsal will take place during school hours and a bus from the school has been organised.  The following groups should ensure they have their instruments with them on Tuesday 20th May.
1.  Baby Bows (Junior Infants Violins)
2.  Crotchets & Quavers (Senior Infants Violin) & Cello Cherubs (S.I. Cellos)
3.  First Class Violas, First Class Violins, First Class Cello
4.  Petit Puffs (Yr 1 Recorders)
5. Canices Cubs (Beginner Wind)
6.  Junior Jazz Band
7.  Senior Jazz Band
The Junior Infant violins, Senior Infant Cellos and First Class Cellos will be left in the Watergate after the rehearsal until the concerts.

Drop Off and Pick Up Times

Below are the drop off times for the various groups. This year we have the largest number of children ever taking part in the Maytime Melodies concerts.  The area backstage is quite small and, for health and safety reasons, we would ask that where possible you only drop your child off at the allotted times below, and not any earlier.

Tuesday Night – 20th May:

Acts 1-7 should be dropped off by 7pm i.e. Junior Infant Violins, First Class Cellos, Petit Puffs (Beginner Recorder) and Pre-Twinkle 1 (Junior Infants), First Class Violas, First Class Violins and First Class Percussion.
Acts 8-14 should be dropped off by 8.15 pm i.e. Second Class Percussion, Double Bass Ensemble, Canices Cubs (Beginner Wind), Recorder Ensemble, (Senior and Junior Orchesta and Year 2 Recorders), Pocket Trumpets, Junior Jazz Band and Junior Orchestra.

Wednesday Night – 21th May:

Acts 1 – 5 should be dropped off by 7pm i.e. Senior Infants Violins, Senior Infants Cello, Recorder Ensemble (Sen & Junior Orchestra & Yr 2 recorders) Third class percussion & Pre-Twinkle 2 (Senior Infants).
Acts 6 – 11 should be dropped off by 8pm i.e. Beginner Flute, St. Canice’s Brass Ensemble, Senior French Horn Duo, Groovy Guitars, Senior Jazz Band & Senior Orchestra.

We are aware some children will be performing in a number of different acts and will therefore remain backstage until their next performance.

During both concerts, after the end of the Junior Infant & Senior Infant Pre Twinkle Acts (Act 5 on both nights), the lights will go up and the children will be escorted off stage to their parents in the audience.   Any child who has no parent in the audience will be walked up to the coffee dock and can be collected from there by parents. Other children in Acts 1 – 7 in the Tues night show can be collected after 9pm at the backstage door (provided the show goes according to schedule and provided your child is not performing in any other later acts).  Acts 1 – 6 on Wed night can be collected after 9pm (again provided the show goes according to schedule and your child is finished performing).

I appreciate you are being given a lot of information about the concerts but the logistics of running an operation this size are very complicated.  If you have any queries please contact the music mobile @ 087 7917960. Thank you for your continued co-operation and I sincerely hope you enjoy this year’s Maytime Melodies!

Regina O’Leary

27 04, 2014

Friends of Maytime Melodies

By |2019-04-30T13:38:13+01:00April 27th, 2014|Music|

Dear Parents/Guardians

We in St Canices N.S. are all justifiably very proud of our musicians and our music programme.  We are proud of the many achievements of the children over the years and we know how much fun they have in playing music together.  However running a music programme of this size and nature costs a lot of money and requires funding on an ongoing basis!  The registration fees and instrument hire fees are not enough to fund the programme.  The bi-annual Maytime Melodies concert is our main fundraiser and we rely heavily upon all monies raised by the concert to buy the many things required for the programme.  For example, this year alone we have spent in excess of €1,000 on new music stands, replacing many of the older stands which were in a bad state of repair; we have to pay for the repair, replacement and maintenance of instruments on an ongoing basis, a new cello costs about €450 and in the past couple of years we have had to replace a number of cellos.

Traditionally, people involved in businesses locally have been given the opportunity to support the programme by advertising in the Maytime Melodies Programme.  Following a suggestion by some parents, it has been decided this year to extend this facility to all parents/guardians of children involved in the programme who may wish to be associated with and support the programme by becoming “Friends of Maytime Melodies”.  The names of all “Friends” will be published in our Concert programme.  If you would like to become a Maytime Melodies Friend, please submit a cheque for €20 made payable to St Canices Instrumental Music Programme by Friday 9 May 2014.  Please ensure you put the cheque in a sealed envelope with your name and the name of your child on the outside.  Cheques can be left in the post box in Mrs O Leary’s room.  All funds received will go directly towards our wonderful music programme and ensure that our children will continue to enjoy the benefits of the programme for many years to come!

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