02, 2023
Every two years St Canice’s N.S Instrumental Music Programme presents the “Maytime Melodies” two night concert. This year’s concerts will be held on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th of May 2023 and will be extra special as it marks the programme’s 40th birthday.
The concerts feature all 400 young musicians who participate in the music programme throughout the year. The children are aged between 4 and 12 years of age and play a variety of string, brass, wind, and percussion instruments. The success of the music programme is dependent on both assistance from the teachers and the many parents who volunteer their time as well as fundraising for the purchase and upkeep of the instrument bank. Tickets for this event will be going on sale in March – we will let you know the specific date once it is confirmed.
Maytime Melodies is the major fundraiser for the music programme and every second year we ask our local businesses in Kilkenny to support the programme by either advertising in the concert programme or donating/sponsoring a raffle prize.
Are you new to the Music Programme? Would you have or know a local business that would like to advertise in our Maytime Melodies Programme or donate a raffle prize?
If so, it is very easy to do so, you can send us your company’s advertising artwork via email to:
stcanicesimp@gmail.com and we will send you a payment link based on the below:
€90 full page advert
€50 half page advert
€30 quarter page advert
All artwork & payments needs to be received by 31st of March 2023 to give us time to work with the printers to finalize the programme and have it printed in time for our big event.
A music programme of this size and nature requires significant ongoing funding. Your support of this unique, locally based programme is very much appreciated.
With thanks,
The Music Committee
01, 2023
Music Classes for Parents are Back!
We are very excited to announce we are recommencing adult music lessons as part of the music programme. We had huge success with adult group lessons and even formed a parents orchestra a number of years ago so we would love to see similar opportunities for parents to get involved again.
We will be starting a violin group and a cello group in school on Wednesday nights with classes taking place from 8.15 – 9pm.
These classes will be aimed at total beginner level and to include those who may have played in their youth, possibly as past members of the music programme, and would like to reconnect with an instrument. No musical knowledge or experience required!!
The lessons will be similar to the children’s group lessons so parents can become involved with their child’s music making at home. We will also be introducing a rent to buy option on instruments for those who continue after their first year of playing. It is a great way to meet other parents and it may involve the odd night out too!

Closing date for sign up is February 7th with a view to starting classes at the beginning of March dependent on instrument delivery.
Places will be limited so if you are interested in the adult classes and would like to sign up or if you would like more information you can contact me at ruthmorrissey@stcanicesschool.ie.
Best wishes,
01, 2023
Call out for volunteers Maytime Melodies
The 40th anniversary Maytime Melodies concert will take place at the Watergate Theatre in Kilkenny on Tuesday 23rd May and Wednesday 24th May 2023.
There will be more that 400 musicians involved, aged 4-12 years old, across both evenings.
In order to run this event as smoothly as possible, we need your help.
We would love if you could help us with any of the following:
Welcoming guests and directing them to their seats;
Working backstage supporting our music stars
Arranging the seating, stands, music, general assistance
Finally, we would also like a couple of helpers for our Maytime Melodies programme booklet – collecting ads, making photos etc
If you would like to help out and take part in this great event, please contact us at stcanicesimp@gmail.com or on 0834751601.
12, 2022
Thank you!
We’d like to share our gratitude to everyone involved in making this year’s breakfast morning a great succes. So many of you offered help, whether in time or in donations.
We have witnessed an amazing team of volunteers working on the morning, an impressive amount of delicious baked treats and liters of steaming hot chocolate.
LaRivista and Newpark hotel made donations for treats too. O’Brien butchers Loughboy very kindly offered the hot sausages and McDonalds made a donation of cups. In addition we have received a very generous donation from a father of 3 past pupils, in honour of Regina O’Leary and all that she has done over the years.
We are blown away by your support!
Happy Christmas to you and your family,
The Music Committee
12, 2022
Important dates
Friday 9/12/2022 – Music will stop for Christmas until the new year.
as children shall be performing in their class plays
Monday 9/1/2023 – All Music shall resume after the Christmas break.
Week of 13/2/2023 – No music lessons this week.
Monday 29/1/2023 – Term 2 of lessons.
Week Mon 13/2/2023 – Friday 17/2/2023 no classes.
Friday 12/5/2023 or Friday 19/5/2023 – Music Classes Finish until the next academic year.
Tuesday 23/5/2023 & Wednesday 24/5/2023 – All Music Students will perform in one night in our Maytime Melodies show in Watergate Theatre.
Wednesday 8/06/2023, 7:00pm – 9:30pm – Registration evening for enrolments to the 2023-2024 programme.