The video shows Jane Cass 6th Class 2013-2014 interviewed and performing in Senior Orchestra in the programme “Meet The Orchestra” recorded in May 2013 and aired on RTE Junior in September 2013
As with other instruments, there are several types of clarinets. The basic clarinet is small and easiest to play for young students. Beginning clarinets are made of plastic and professional clarinets are made of wood. Other sizes of clarinets include an Eb (E flat) clarinet which is smaller than the standard Bb clarinet. The Eb clarinet is not typically used as a beginning instrument. It’s difficult to control and constructed with the advanced player in mind. Other larger clarinets include the alto and bass clarinets. These are longer, curved instruments similar to the shape of a saxophone. Some beginners have done quite well on these instruments but generally the basic Bb clarinet is preferred for beginners. Two other clarinets are used by more advanced players. The contra-alto and contra-bass clarinets are extremely long and very low. A band or symphony orchestra may use one of these instruments now and then but their use is very limited. Since all of these clarinets are similar, a good advanced clarinetist can switch to any of these instruments as needed for performances.
The clarinet is a very popular instrument for beginners. Since lots of other students will choose the clarinet, there will be more competition with other players. However, the clarinet is a very widely used instrument. Clarinets play a critical role in bands, symphony orchestras, jazz groups and small instrumental groups. The styles that characterize the clarinet vary from a Mozart clarinet concerto to Dixieland clarinet. In both cases, the sound can be beautiful but the two styles sound completely different. The clarinet also works well as a solo instrument.
St Canice’s clarinetists perform in the Junior orchestra, Senior orchestra and Jazz band and may also get together with fellow woodwind, string or brass players to form smaller performing groups.
All instruments have limited availability and will be distributed for hire on a first come first served basis. Clarinets are available for hire for two years. Lesson costs depend on the size of the group being taught and can alter annually. Please ask for further details.