The FEIS CEOIL Competition takes place on Monday 14th March 2016 at 2pm in the RDS, Dublin.  St. Canice’s Senior and Junior Orchestras will be competing on the day.  In order to arrange buses etc., we would be grateful if you would complete and return the permission slip below by Wednesday 2nd March at the latest.

The trip to the Feis Ceoil has always included a highly anticipated trip to Liffey Valley Shopping Centre before heading to the RDS.  Traditionally a number of parents travel with us on the day to assist with supervision as well as to enjoy the performances.  If you are available to travel please include your details below.  Spaces are limited.  Please note all accompanying parents will be requested to supervise a small group of children in the shopping centre.  The bus costs €10 per child and €10 per adult.  Once we reach the RDS, all accompanying parents (other than the orchestra managers) must proceed directly to the RDS Main Hall for the performance.

TIME:  Buses will leave the school at 8.15am sharp.  Please ensure your child has his/her instrument and music folder as well as a packed lunch.  We suggest children bring a small amount of spending money.  Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones or electronic devices, as we cannot take responsibility for their safety.  We hope to return to Kilkenny by 4.45pm.

WHAT TO WEAR:  Both Orchestras will wear their school uniform skirts/trousers, a white polo shirt, red orchestra sweatshirt, white socks for the girls and school shoes for all (no runners please!) The Senior Orchestra have already been given their red music sweatshirts. The Junior Orchestra will receive theirs on the last day of practice. If your child is prone to travel sickness, please ensure they have taken their medication that morning.

PAYMENT:  Please ensure you have paid the relevant bus fee by Wednesday 2nd March. The money can be dropped into Ms O Leary’s classroom in an envelope with the permission slip below, clearly marked with the child’s name and whether they are in the Junior or Senior Orchestra. Alternatively, they can be given to an orchestra manager at orchestra time.  Parents travelling should pay their bus fees in advance also.

Further email reminders will issue before the big day!

Many thanks

The Music Committee

PLEASE RETURN TO MS O’LEARY’S ROOM or at ORCHESTRA TIME BY WEDNESDAY 2nd MARCH (with €10 for bus for each child or adult travelling)

Feis Ceoil, Monday 14th March 2016, Primary Schools Orchestra Competition.

Name of Child: ____________________________________________

Name of Parent: ___________________________________________

My child will be available to attend the Feis Ceoil Competition (please circle)

Yes                               No

I wish to travel by bus to the Feis Ceoil (please circle)

Yes                       No

If travelling, I understand that I will be asked to help supervise a small group of children in Liffey Valley Shopping Centre.

If your child requires any special assistance, please state:


Signed:  __________________________________

Contact Number:  ___________________________