The 6th Class Farewell Concert for children involved in the Instrumental Music Programme will take place next Thursday 5th June in the Big Room (Mr Crowley’s room) at 7.30pm. This is always a lovely occasion as the children perform one final time as students of St Canice’s N.S.
Light refreshments and finger food will be served after the concert in the school foyer. If your child is in Mr Hanrick’s class, you are asked to please bring in a plate of savoury finger food, and for Ms Conroy’s class, please bring in sweet finger food.
Your child should be in full uniform for the concert. If your child is currently hiring an instrument from the music programme, this instrument must be returned to the school that night and may be handed in to any music committee member.
I look forward to seeing you there and I hope you enjoy the concert!
Regina O Leary