Event Information

Starting DateThursday 31st May
End Date:Thursday 31st May

Dear Parents / Guardians

We shall be soon approaching next years Music Registration Night – Thursday 31st May 7:30pm.

As last years registration process worked very well last year, we shall be running it the same this year. Feedback from parents was that signing children up in May for their classes the following September assisted greatly by enabling them to plan their children’s extra curricular actives for the following academic year well in advance. It was also noted that it gave parents the opportunity to meet the music teachers fact to face.

We are conscious however that some parents did find that when they looked at the schedule that some offerings were only on specific days, but not branched out and therefore left them no room for movement within their own personal schedules. We have taken note of some of these and are working with the music teachers to rectify for next year, but if there is anything specific that you think should be looked at this year could you please send in that feedback via email and we shall try our best to address it prior to circulation of the 2018-2019 schedule. Obviously we have to consider all offerings as a group offering rather than individual but we are open to any suggestions of making it easier for all to attend all required classes.

Thanks in advance